At OU Health Sciences, we recognize the pivotal role that academic advisors play in shaping the future of aspiring healthcare professionals. Whether you’re a high school counselor or a college advisor, this resource hub is designed to empower you with essential tools and information to guide students toward successful health-related pathways.
TULSA, OKLA. – The University of Oklahoma Board of Regents approved an ambitious plan in Tulsa today to incrementally increase enrollment in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program in the OU College of Medicine at OU Health Sciences by more than 40% over the next five years – a strategic initiative designed to address the critical demand for additional health care professionals in Oklahoma.
🗓️ Tuesday, April 15, 5:30 PM | 📍 The Atherton Hotel, Stillwater, OK 74078
The MD Admissions Office, in collaboration with OSU's StORM, will be gathering in "The Atherton Hotel at OSU" to discuss OU's rural outreach efforts, new curricululm, and some of the unique and wonderful ways we help support our medical students. We will have current MD students, who are OSU alumni, speak on their individual experiences and why choosing OU College of Medicine is the right choice. Registration required.
Do you work with students interested in OU Health Sciences? Stay in touch with us by joining our mailing list! Readers will receive upcoming event details, academic advising resources, notices about changes to admissions processes, and more.
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Health Sciences Recruitment & Admissions representatives would love the opportunity to come to your group to give general information, answer admission questions and offer a glimpse into life at the OU Health Sciences. Please complete the brief inquiry form to begin the process of scheduling a visit.
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Academic partners are encouraged to request printed materials to distribute to groups of students or use as a reference in their guidance and advising as needed. Learn about available materials and complete a request form here!
Request Materials
The Health Sciences Recruitment & Admissions (HSR&A) Bulletins are used to communicate approved programatic changes to academic advisors and prospective students. Bulletins will be produced monthly.
Explore programs by degree level, prerequisites required, and the estimated time you will be at OU Health Sciences. Pathways to OU Health Sciences Document
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Explore programs by degree level, prerequisites required, and the estimated time you will be at OU-Tulsa. Pathways to OU-Tulsa Document
A comprehensive magazine-style publication designed to orient students at OU Health Sciences. You will find information about all the out-of-the-classroom programs and services designed to support their progress toward graduation. Sower Magazine